Hexadecimal colours are known as HTML colours. Each HTML colour code contains a symbol '#' and 6 letters or numbers. This letters and numbers are Hexadecimal numbers.
The first two symbols in HTML colour codes represents the intensity of Red colour. Third and fourth symbols for the intensity of Green colour and fifth and sixth for the intensity of Blue colour.
There has 3 bytes, 1 byte per colour channel.
So, combining the intensity of Red, Green and Blue colours we can create any colour.
'00' is the lowest intensity of a colour and 'FF' is the highest intensity of a colour.
#000000 represents pure Black colour. All colour intensity is zero.
#FFFFFF represents pure White colour. All colour intensity is full.
Grayscale colour shade always has same Red, Green and Blue intensity value.
Some Common Colour Name and its Corresponding HTML Codes:
Red: #FF0000
Green: #00FF00
Blue: #0000FF
Cyan: #00FFFF
Magenta: #FF00FF
Yellow: #FFFF00
Rose: #FF0080
Violet: #8000FF
Azure: #0080FF
Aquamarine: #00FF80
Chartreuse: #80FF00
Orange: #FF8000
White: #FFFFFF
Black: #000000
50% Gray: #808080
NB: These are all Additive Colour (Digital Colour).