In photography colour is the most important thing. It is responsible for a good composition and also for creating mood that we want. Colours and emotions are closely linked. Colours can make us happy or sad or energetic. These reactions are rooted in psychological effects, biological conditioning and cultural imprinting.
Basically the way different colors can affect emotions depends largely on a color’s brightness, shade, tint and whether it’s cool or warm toned.
1. Effect of colour temperature in mood:
Warm Colour -
Warm colours (red, orange, yellow) evoke feelings of happiness, Optimism and energy. They are attention grabbing colour. Some time these colours make you take action.

Cool Colour -
Cool colours (green, blue, violet) are usually calming and soothing but also can express sadness. These colours are also used for health, beauty or security purposes.

2. Mood depends on colour:
Happy Colour -
Happy colors are bright, warm colors like yellow, orange, pink and red. The brighter and lighter a color, the more happy and optimistic it will make you feel. Combining multiple primary and secondary colours together happy emotions can be created.

Sad Colour -
Sad colours are colours that are dark and muted. Gray is the stander sad colour. But dark and muted colours like blue, green and neutral colours like brown or beige can have a similar effect on feelings and emotions depending on how they are used.

Calming Colour-
Cool colours like blue and green can make you feel calm. Even neutral colours like white, beige and gray can make you fell calm some time. The less number of colour you use and the more simple a design is, the more calming it will feel.

Energizing Colour-
Bright and neon colours can have a powerful effect on our emotions. Bright colours like bright red or bright yellow and neon green can make you feel energizing and can make you alert. But these colours are also irritating on our eyes. Strong colors like royal blue, magenta, turquoise can also have a stimulating effect and can make you feel refreshed and energized.

3. Individual colours and moods related to it:
Red is the most emotionally intense colour of all. This colour is associated with love, life and boldness. It is also can be used as a warning sign. It is make you feel energized and passionate. But on the other side it can make you feel angry. It can increase a person’s heart rate and make them excited.

Orange is a vibrant colour which denotes new beginning, enthusiasm, ambition and creativity. Some time it make you feel happy and energetic. Like red, it is aggressive but balanced. It also draws attention but not as overpowered as red.

Yellow is perhaps the most energetic of the warm colors. Yellow makes you feel spontaneous and happy. It is associated with laughter, hope and sunshine. It is a attention grabbing colour associated with liveliness and being energetic. Yellow is also difficult for our eye to take in heavy dose. It is often used to grab viewers attention in an comfortable and energetic way.

Green is the easiest colours on our eye. It is the colour of nature and organic materials. It is often associated with safety, optimism, growth, harmony, wealth, lucky and stress relief. It relaxes our eyes. It is a great colour to be use to create balance in an image.

Blue is one of the most commonly used colours. It makes you fill relaxed and safe. It is associated with tranquility, honor, trust and productivity. Sometimes it can decrease your appetite. Dark blues can give professional feel in your work but using too much of it can create a cold, disengaged feeling. Light blues give a more friendly and relaxing feel.

Violet is a rare colour in nature. This colour is connected to royalty, nobility, mystery power and wealth. Some time it is associated with spirituality. Lighter shades of violet are used to make calm a viewer. It (Lighter shades of violet) is used some time to show romance and mystery. Sometimes violet makes you feel a subject of an image is luxurious and wealthy.

Brown is the colour of soil. It makes you fill down to earth. It creates a sense of stability and support. It makes you fill warm, friendly, practical and dependable. It makes a fill of old fashioned and well established also.

Pure gray is the only colour that has no direct psychological properties. Normally gray feels serious and professional. It is a more mature and responsible colour. It can be the sign of security, reliability, intelligence and solid. On the other hand it can be the sign of gloomy, sad and conservative.

Black makes you feel classic, sophisticated and serious. Black is the sign of power, luxury, elegance, but can also mean professionalism, neutrality and simplicity. It’s bold, powerful and is often used to evoke mystery.

White is the most neutral colour of all. It means minimalism, simplicity and peace. Using a lot of white color in image creates a minimalist aesthetic and can result a simple, fresh and clean look.

Image Source : Unsplash, My own capture.
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